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Emergency Dentist Ipswich

Comprehensive emergency dental services in Ipswich

emergency dentist ipswich

What is a Dental Emergency?

According to the NHS, a dental emergency is any potentially life-threatening situation that must be treated immediately. Regardless of the type, dental emergencies should be managed without delay to prevent permanent damage to the dental tissues. 

What are some Common Dental Emergencies?

Dental emergencies are of different types, and each requires a different management protocol. Some of the common dental emergencies include:

  • Unbearable toothache
  • Uncontrolled bleeding 
  • Fractured tooth 
  • Dislodged filling or crown
  • Dislodged dental braces
  • Knocked-out tooth 
  • Severe dental infection or swelling in the oral region

How to Manage Common Dental Emergencies?

The first step in managing a dental emergency is to keep calm and call your emergency dentist in Ipswich immediately. You should tell us about the nature of the injury, such as the time, the site, and whether there is bleeding. Then, depending on the nature of the emergency, we will advise you on the next course of action. 

We understand that sometimes seeing an emergency dentist right away for an emergency may not be possible. That is why we are providing guidance on managing different types of dental emergencies while you wait to see the dentist. 

  • Unbearable Toothache 

An unbearable toothache not controlled with painkillers is considered a dental emergency. Such pain can occur for various reasons such as; an injury, dental infection, or a fractured tooth. Start by rinsing your mouth gently to remove any foreign objects. Next, if you see any swelling, apply a cold press over the affected side of the face. This will help reduce pain and discomfort. More importantly, one should never put a painkiller such as aspirin directly over the affected tooth as it burns the dental tissues, causing more harm than good. 

  • Uncontrolled Bleeding 

Uncontrolled bleeding is considered a medical emergency as it can have life-threatening consequences. So, regardless of the cause, one should immediately contact their dentist in case of uncontrolled bleeding. In such a situation, one should put clean gauze over the affected area/tooth and apply gentle pressure on it with the opposing teeth. Afterwards, immediately attend your dentist for appropriate treatment. 

  • Fractured or Chipped Teeth 

Fractured or chipped teeth not only affect one’s smile and facial aesthetics but can also cause various complications. For example, if a tooth fracture extends into the sensitive pulp tissue of the teeth, it can cause severe, unbearable dental pain. 

If you or a loved one has a fractured or chipped tooth, rinse the mouth with lukewarm water to remove any remnant chips. Next, apply a cold compress over the affected side of the face to relieve swelling and pain. 

At Allen House Dental, we will take an x-ray image of the tooth to visualise the extent of the damage. Then, depending on the extent of the damage, we will provide appropriate treatment. For example, small fractures can be managed with toot-coloured fillings, while larger defects may need reinforcement with dental crowns. 

  • Knocked-out Tooth 

One should consult their emergency dentist immediately if a tooth gets knocked out because of an injury, trauma, or periodontal disease. This is because permanent knocked-out teeth can be re-implanted back into the socket in some instances. But the most important thing to do in case of an avulsed tooth is to preserve it. 

Hold the tooth by the crown, not touching the fibres on the tooth. Gently rinse it with water to remove debris. Afterwards, you should preserve the tooth, which can be done in various ways. For example, you can place the tooth inside your cheek so it remains constantly bathed with saliva. Alternatively, you could place the tooth in milk or a special tooth storage media. 

Now that the tooth is preserved, call your emergency dentist in Ipswich for an appointment and reach there as soon as possible. Why? Because the sooner a knocked-out tooth is replanted, the higher are chances of success. 

  • Dislodged Filling or Crown 

A dislodged filling can cause severe pain if the underlying pulp tissue is exposed. As a temporary measure, while you wait to see your dentist, placing a sugarless chewing gum or a piece of utility wax over it is recommended. Similarly, if a crown gets dislodged, preserve it and visit your dentist immediately; they may place it back on the tooth using adhesive. 

  • Dislodged Orthodontic Brackets or Wires 

If you have a dislodged bracket, preserve it so it doesn’t get inhaled or ingested, even if it is still attached to the wire with the tie. Similarly, if the orthodontic wire gets dislodged, place a piece of utility wax on its free end so it doesn’t damage the cheeks and gums. 

Dislodged wires and brackets should be considered an emergency as they can cause serious complications, besides delaying orthodontic treatment. 

  • Severe Dental Infections or Swellings 

An oral infection is considered an emergency if it shows physical symptoms such as; high-grade fever, extreme swelling, and difficulty breathing. In such cases, immediate dental help should be sought as it is a potentially life-threatening situation. Long-standing dental infections such as abscesses and other soft tissue swellings can cause serious medical complications if not treated in a timely manner. If you or a loved one has swelling that is causing difficulty in breathing, you should visit your dentist or local ER immediately for treatment. 

Dental emergencies can be potentially life-threatening. However, we can  minimise their damage if we seek help in a timely manner. If you or a loved one has a dental emergency, Allen House Dental is there to help. Call us and tell us about your emergency, and we will take care of it!

Searching for “emergency dentist near me” on the internet but not finding what you’re looking for? Look no more! Allen House Dental is there to take care of all your dental needs.

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